On Tuesday, November 7, shortly after noon, my Mom suffered a burst brain aneurysm. The bleeding in her brain caused her to have a stroke. She temporarily lost most of her ability to speak, and began to lose use of her limbs. She was immediately taken to the hospital in Grass Valley, and she was shortly flown by helicoptor to a hospital in Roseville. She has been in the Trauma Neuro Intensive Care Unit since Tuesday evening. She has undergone two surgeries - one to insert a temporary drain for the blood and fluid beneath her skull putting pressure on her brain, and another more extensive procedure to find and repair the burst vessel. She has been in a coma since Tuesday night. Today (Sunday) she is gradually beginning to wake up, but we know it will be a slow process.
Of course, after hearing the news about Mom, all of us kids wanted to come home from our various parts of the country. On Wednesday, I flew from Boston to Sacramento, and Jonathan flew from Dallas to Sacramento. Melinda, a family friend, picked us both up and brought us to the hospital to see Mom. Dad was really glad to see us walk in. We got to see Mom right away. People keep telling us that she's in the best hospital she could possibly be in, and we believe them. Her doctors and nurses are wonderful about letting us spend time with her. They're also very gracious about answering all our questions. If we sanitize our hands and wear gloves, we can hold her hands and touch her to let her know we're with her. We talk to her when she seems to have the energy to listen.
Emily and her 19 month old son Jonathan drove up from Southern California with my Aunt Susan, Mom's sister. So, we've all been here as a family, spending each day in the hospital lobby and taking turns seeing Mom. Emily and Susan are heading back to their homes soon, and Jonathan will return to school. I'll be staying to help out for a while.
Now, for the good news about Mom's condition. Mom is doing really well, all things considered. A number of things contribute to her current condition being what it is, and we're really grateful for how God takes care of His children even when circumstances are difficult. First of all, my Dad had just returned from a business trip to Florida. We can't imagine much harder this would have been if Dad hadn't been here when this happened. As it was, Dad was able to be with Mom really soon after it happened, and sit with her in the hospital. I'm sure his presence provided her with a lot of comfort, as she was still conscious at that point. Secondly, Mom was already in town when the vessel burst. She was having lunch with a wonderful friend, who did all the right things. She got Mom to the car while she could still move, and drove her straight to the hospital. If Mom had been at our home with Christopher when this happened, it could have taken three to four times longer for her to get help -- we live quite a ways out of town, and Christopher doesn't drive yet. Third, while Mom was waiting for a bed to open up at one of the three hospitals that can deal with this kind of neuro trauma, the first hospital with an open bed was, we subsequently learned, the BEST place for Mom to be right now. Finally, Mom is a great candidate to make a good recovery from the stroke. She is otherwise healthy and fit, very determined, and basically just a tough nut to crack!
Our family has been absolutely surrounded with the love and prayers of friends. It's been really amazing to see how much my Mom was loved. I always knew she was the best ever, but I didn't know how much everyone else loved her, too! Mom's pastor and his wife have come to see us at the hospital, Lou and Melinda have been there several times with us, and Matt and Amber, along with Emma and Gregory, came up and spent a day at the hospital with us. My Dad's general manager at his work happens to be an M.D., and he's been an invaluable resource to us for both information and encouragement. My Mom has given so much to so many in our community - particularly to the home schooling families in our area. All of these families are showering us with really tangible ways to express their love and concern. The phone calls, the offers to help, the meals... it's incredible. Most of all, we're grateful for the prayers.
Believe it or not, people have even offered us a HOUSE (and cleaned, furnished, and stocked it for us!) just about ten minutes away from the hospital. Using this house will let us be really near Mom while she needs us. We know the recovery process is going to take time.
Prayers are appreciated, friends. Thank you.