Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Dad reports that as of yesterday, Mom is giving little smiles! The physical therapists keep her up in the chair for up to two hours a day now, and she's also been mouthing more and more words and sentences each day.

She hasn't been moving her arms and legs since the three surgeries that occurred after she first woke from her coma. Please pray that she'll regain the ability to move her appendages soon.


At 8:12 PM, Blogger Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

Hurray for smiles! That is really great news!

At 10:00 PM, Blogger North Yuke said...

I stopped in to visit John and Sandy this afternoon. Those smiles, were darn close to laughs. Especially, Sarah, when I told her that you wrote in your blog about her correcting your dad's "good" to "well". She is definately present, though it is hard for her to mouth words that can't be understood. I also got her to smile very big when I accused John of being like most of us men who selectively have a hard time understading what our wives tell us.

It was great to be able to spend a little time holding her arm. John says that she feels touch on her arms and legs even though she's not moving them. The physical therapy is hoped to help her brain reassociate. I'm no doctor, but it seems a good sign that she can feel touch.

Sandy, though she was trying hard to get us to understand her, was obviously totally tuned in to our faces. She looked back and forth between John and me and when one of us didn't get what she was trying to say, she'd look to the other and try the same words, then raise her eyebrows as if to say, "he didn't get it, but you do, right?"

If you read lips, it would be a ministry to them be an oracle for Sandy. Once the tracheostomy is out, she should be able to get air past her lips and form audible words. For now it's pretty frustrating for her. But in all that, she is so determined and seems to be unstoppable. Go Sandy!

Emily, Christopher, Sarah and Jonathan, I asked her if she remembered you guys being there early on, she nodded yes. That's amazing, after however many surgeries and all those times where you questioned if she was aware of your being there, she very definately answered yes.

So there's some hook up that needs to happen and lots of relearning, but after all that surgery and messing with that sensitive organ, it looked to me like memories, vision, hearing, touch and speech are either intact or coming back bit by bit.

Keep standing in God's presence on her behalf, may He bring miraculous, full recovery!

At 8:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our family continues to lift you up in prayer. We have Romans 12:12 posted on our refrigerator. But you know how when something is there all the time you never see it? Well,I saw it this morning and felt the Holy Spirit prompt me to share it with you. It says: "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." We love you and also pray for a full recovery! God bless. Debi Devitt


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